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Friday, July 7, 2017



Amazon Buy Box

Buy Box in Amazon

What is Buy Box In Amazon? How It effects on My products Rank And how can I win buy box? Is buy box depends on seller performance metrics?

Today I will let you know about buy box It is the basically a button on my product detail page where a customer can eligible for click on BUY NOW button or add product to cart Button and buy the same

As a seller also this is an eligibility criteria to sell a product on Amazon without win buy box for a product I have no right to sell products on Amazon also I could not advertise a product

Sometimes buy now button shows after select size or colour from many variations that means for that particular product you have a buy box or not

What are the factors in which buy box depends

Stock in inventory (must have active particular listing for the same product)

Amazon Buy Box Factor
How Important is it?
1.    Fulfillment Method
Very Important
2.    Landed Price
Very Important
3.    Seller Rating
Very Important
4.    Shipping Time
Very Important
5.    Feedback Score
6.    Order Defect Rate
7.    Late Shipment Rate
8.    On-Time Delivery
9.    Customer Response Time
10.                      Tracked Delivery Rate
11.                      Feedback Count
Somewhat Important
12.                      Inventory Depth
Somewhat Important
13.                      Cancellation Rate
Somewhat Important

·       If your product has a competitor means many sellers selling the same item on Amazon

Landed Price  - First main factor is price whose selling price (including Shipping Charge) is low will win buy box prices play 80% role in this case. in the case of the seller has the same price than next point
Fulfillment Method  - second main factors is fulfilment method if one seller fulfilment method is Amazon means prime tag other not then whose seller which have prime or fulfilment by Amazon won buy box  in case, if both sellers have fulfilment by Amazon then next point
Seller Rating  - third main factor is seller rating if both sellers get equal weightage in above two factors then which seller have higher seller rating win buy box
Product Rank  - if both sellers have the same weightage in above three factors than which particular seller have high product rank for the same product in that Amazon category then he is eligible for buy box

·       If your product is unique there is no seller who is selling the same product on Amazon except you

If there are no competitors  for the same product than fulfilment method is most important it play 60-80 % weightage of buy box then seller rating play 15- 20% weightage after this product reviews and product category after this following factors matters
After above case than 15 to 20% weightage depends on performance matrix
Performance matrix – it indicates how seller perform on Amazon by his services, it is basically a measurement metrics of Amazon to measure seller performance on Amazon it also effect seller product rank sale (if seller performance low)
·  Shipping Time-  How fast a seller give shipping how fast seller accept and dispatch products for shipping and how much time it takes for shipment or delivery the product to consumer
·   Order Defect Rate – it is the ratio of the wrong order delivered or received negative feedback due to seller mistake or product defect or customer file a-z claim for the same to the total no of orders processed in same time period. It never exceeds (Long-Term)Target < 1%
·   Late Shipment (Dispatch) Rate – it is the ratio of late shipped the (dispatch)order to the total shipped order by the seller in the same time period for orders dispatch through Amazon Easy Ship, shipment confirmation happens automatically when the orders are picked up by Amazon to the customer. It never exceed (30 days)Target < 4%
·    On-Time Delivery – how fast delivered a product by a seller to the customer it is the ratio of the no of order in on time (means right time as given by seller on Amazon product details page ) to the total no of order delivered in same time period

·   Customer Response Time – it  is the response by seller on customer quires like questions or any products requirement is generally  24  hours to 48 hours  and 24 hours is appreciated by Amazon or within 24 to 48 is good but if time exceeds 48 hours not like by Amazon it give negative impression on Amazon by seller
·   Tracked Delivery Rate – it is the ratio of tracked delivery order to the total order processed by seller in same time period means how much order are eligible for tracking by customer so customer will know his order details where his order between  the shipping to delivery time
·    Feedback Count -  how much aggressive seller got feedback for his services how much product reviews they have
·    Inventory Depth - how much stock present for a particular SKU in a seller inventory present
·  Cancellation Rate – it is a ration of the total no of order cancel by the seller prior to ship-confirmation to the total order processed by the seller in the same time period it may cause wrong product received or high delivery time, poor seller response on customer quires. It never exceed in (30 days)Target < 2.5%
·   Return Dissatisfaction Rate – it is the new matrix added by Amazon recently to measure seller performance The Return Dissatisfaction Rate measures customer satisfaction from the seller with how their returns requests are processed. It consists of three individual components:
1) Negative Return Feedback Rate
2) Late Response Rate
3) Invalid Rejection Rate
i)   Negative Return Feedback Rate – this is the percentage of negative feedback when customer return which is valid as per Amazon policy  not processed or resolved or not answers to buyer  with in time  and customer give negative feedback
ii)    Late Response Rate – when there was no response on customer valid return as per policy within 48 hours is called late response rate

iii)    Invalid Rejection Rate – it is percentage of rejected valid return request by seller when customer request for a valid return as per policy but seller rejected it or no response by seller to custom

Amazon Products Reviews

Products  Reviews  and Rating

What is Products Reviews and Seller Rating? how products review effect on my sale on Amazon?

Products Reviews These a feedback give us by the customer how my product is useful how it works. basically, it’s a buyer experience about my product which they can share with me through Amazon . its shows on Amazon product detail page. it helps another user to choose the products. With the help of reviews new customer come to know is this product is valuable for me or not either they will buy the same products or choose differently if they find a negative response from the previous buyer. it shows me on product detail page of my particular product in form of star rating its value varies from one star to five stars.

One star – product is bad. not recommended to buy

Two star- product is not good
Three star- product is may or may be good but does not meet my expectations
Four star- product is good I happy with
Five star- product is awesome meet my expectation recommended to another user for buy
As a customer, we can give our valuable feedback regarding the product sometimes products are not worth for me so, we can also share bad experience with seller so they will help to modify the product and remove limitations
There are some guideline which a customer has to follow while sharing his feedback about particular products
Seller feedback -  This is experience shared by the customer about seller services like delivery time, packaging, resolve queries, response from seller,
It is also shown on seller detail page and seller storefront. it also in form of star rating. the user can share his experience with the particular seller in terms of a star and by some words, it helps us to a seller to improve his services and give deliver his best to his customer

But some time buyer confuse he did not come to know where they to give seller rating and where products reviews mostly they can do wrong things they show product experience n seller rating and seller experience on product review page

Which is really an uncomfortable situation for new customer and seller

What is the difference between a Product Review and Seller Rating?

Products Reviews

Seller Feedback or Rating

it is customer experience share on Amazon product detail page  for a particular  product with his verified purchase  how it was like product is meet his expectations or not
it is customer experience share on Amazon seller storefront or seller feedback page how particular services are good or bad or meet his expectation when he made a purchase from this seller
it always in form of star for bad experience gets low star rating from one for good it varies from 3 to 5 according to good product percentage how much product fulfill customer expectations
it always in form of star for bad experience gets low star rating from one for good it varies from 3 to 5 according to good services percentage how much product fulfill customer expectations
it related to  only particular SKU or specific product
it is related to overall seller services experience by the customer like delivery time, shipping time, queries response, return exception basically it was the measurable on  how fast response from seller on customer queries, return, and order processing
it affects only particular SKU sale and does not effect on any other products of the same seller or different seller
it affects only particular seller sale for all products a negative feedback responsible seller low sale
it affects all seller who's selling this product
it affects only particular seller from whose  product has purchased but affects all inventory means all products sale for a seller

How can I collect product reviews and how can I remove negative reviews?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What is Amazon SEO? How can we promote our products by using Amazon SEO?


Hello, Friends!
Today we will discuss AMAZON Ads SEO.

There are many questions in Amazon Seo.

Everyone wants to sell on day to day growing E-Commerce website Like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal  and, everyone want that if any of the customer or user( potential buyer) made search with the relevant keyword for their products and services than their products have shown at top pages on any platform either on Search Engine or any ECommerce website.

For that, they pay a lot to the digital marketers to do the work on these products and sometimes they have a huge loss by investing money.

but we know Amazon shows only 24 products per page. Some sellers products could not eligible for the first page comes on 2nd & 3rd page respectively.

But we also know buyer has no time to search products on 2nd or 3rd page or looking  after pages   so for achieving first-page ranking  on   those  products  Amazon gives us advertising option for those products  through Sponsors Products Ads

by sponsors products ads our three products promoted by Amazon to achieve top page (increase products visibility ) like Google in Google AdWords.

For this seller has to make campaign for promote their products on Top page

when seller ads displays on the first page and somebody clicks on his ads then he have to pay for Click Cost

Click Cost may depend on our competitor's bid and Keywords and products CTR (Click Through Rate ) else ever buyer buy those products or not but seller has to pay to click cost whenever someone clicks on his ads  

How can we promote our products on Amazon?

Amazon shows only 24 products per page and at the bottom, there are only three products are seen on every page which is promoted by sponsored products. And other products which are come first due to organic searches which are not promoted by sponsored products.
If the seller’s products are not come at the top pages due to the organic result then they have to do various types of Ads

1 Sponsors Products Ads
2 Display Ads
3 Lighting deals
4 Promotional offers (showing coupon or buy one get one offer )
5  Affiliated marketing

we will discuss all one by one

Today I will tell you that how you get your product on top pages on AMAZON platform by using some simple steps, basically we do the product’s SEO, known as AMAZON Ads SEO or Sponsors Products Ads.

Now take a look.

What is Amazon Sponsors Products Ads?
First of all, when we open in any web browser and search anything like I am searching here “shoes for men”  now the dashboard which appears in front of us is something like this.
Showing results for shoes for men

We see many products on the front page but these products are not seen by the sponsored product ad. as these result shown by the organic searches.
Now, Where are the Sponsored Products which we are talking about?
Let’s scroll down the page. At last, there are only three sponsored products which we have seen on the front page.

Sponsors Products ds

1    Amazon Sponsors Products

first, log in to your seller panel go to advertising tab for promoting products
we can promote our products on Amazon by showing our products on top pages through Ads by making a campaign in a structured way according to products sub category for fruitful results and create ad groups accordingly

There are two option for making a campaign either we can target our campaign in an automatic way means there is no need of add keywords in campaign it will take keywords automatically from Amazon we just need to set default bid for keywords in this there is no option for keywords match type

or Second option (recommended option) is to target our campaign manually by adding keywords Manually so we can add more relevant keywords according to our products and set default bid also manage bid separately for different -different keywords and chose match type which match type of keywords is useful for my Ads then add keywords related to our products

the keywords match type which is more important like manage keywords bid according to Amazon suggestion or analysis of various reports after this because match type allows our ads display at what time means when customer search matches my keywords it also useful for restricting unwanted search which is  not relevant for me so in manually targeting we have full control our ads instead of  automatic campaign

next step is to decide daily budget for same campaign How much maximum money  I want to spend for a day to run my ads. we can also manage to total account-level budget by two option by set daily budget for all campaign or second use campaign level budget (recommended ) my ads stop or out of budget for  a day when my daily budget exhaust or account-level budget exhaust whichever earlier

From advertising settings after this our campaign will show results, sometimes it may take time may be our bid price is low so we did not get impression in this case we have to increase bid price and budget

we can also measure our whole spend by analyzing reports in my reports tab there are a lot of reports which makes my work easier to find what my customer looking for what  I am showing what they want is my Ads showing results by increasing traffic on my products and increase my sale volume and my brand power

Now Let’s start SEO for products on AMAZON.

there are simple steps to promote your products.
  1. open Seller Central “” in a new tab. The first screen will appear like the below image.
Here you get the two option 1. Register and 2. Log in/Sign in
If you are selling on Amazon you must have an account then simply Login/Sign in.
And you securely enter in your account.
The dashboard looks like:

After this you can see advertising tab near my order or reports tab just click on advertising tab then you land on this page in this page you can easily see create campaign option you can make campaign by just click on create campaign button you can also make campaign by bulk operations with your SKU in comma delimited sheet (Excel file ) by download template and fill all rows with your SKU and their necessary data
now we will create campaign manually by just click on create campaign option
Creating  Camapign 

you will land on a new page like below on this page you have to give a name to your campaign according to your choice but according to products category name is preferred then we have to decide the daily budget for my campaign. how much maximum money I will spend on my ads for a day. now I have to choose start campaign date and end campaign date generally start date is mandatory and for end date chose no end date option is preferred

after this main point is to choose which campaign targeting I want to choose automatic or manual
if you just start advertising then automatic campaign recommended by running automatic campaign you find lot of data so you can run campaign manually better
if you already have data or you are advertising already but due to some reason you paused your ads then manual targeting option is preferred

now first we will make a campaign in automatic targeting so we select automatic targeting option

Now you land on this page you have to give name for ad groups and choose products which you want to advertise according to products category we already discussed earlier we are making campaign for formal shoes so I just type formal shoes on search bar then find all formal shoes now I have to select those products which I want to advertise one by one if I want to advertise my all formal shoes advertise then I choose to select all option after this bottom save and finish button is there we just click on it. Now my campaign created which we can see below

my campaign created which we can see below

How we can create a campaign in Manual Targeting? 

Now we will make my formal shoes campaign in manual targeting
Follow the same procedure as above for automatic targeting
  1. Open Seller Central “” in a new tab. The first screen will appear like the below image.
    Seller Centrral Dashboard

Here you get the two option 1. Register and 2. Log in/Sign in
If you are selling on Amazon you must have an account then simply Login/Sign in.
And you securely enter in your account.
The dashboard looks like:
Seller Account Dashboard

After this you can see advertising tab near my order or reports tab just click on advertising tab then you land on this page in this page you can easily see create campaign option you can make campaign by just click on create campaign button you can also make campaign by bulk operations with your SKU in comma delimited sheet (Excel file ) by download template and fill all rows with your SKU and their necessary data
now we will create campaign manually by just click on create campaign option

you will land on a new page like below on this page you have to give a name to your campaign according to your choice but according to products category name is preferred then we have to decide the daily budget for my campaign. how much maximum money I will spend on my ads for a day. now I have to choose start campaign date and end campaign date generally start date is mandatory and for end date chose no end date option is preferred

after this main point is to choose which campaign targeting I want to choose automatic or manual
if you just start advertising then automatic campaign recommended by running automatic campaign you find lot of data so you can run campaign manually better
if you already have data or you are advertising already but due to some reason you paused your ads then manual targeting option is preferred

Now we will create campaign in manual targeting so by select manual targeting we press save and continue button

After press save and continue option we will land on below page in this we have to give ad groups name then add products which we want to advertise by select manually there are three option to select a product’s 1 is by name just type product name and search you will find your products

2 is by SKU you will find your products by search by product SKU code
3 is by ASIN you can find your product by search by product ASIN code
After selecting the products you have to choose default bid for ad-groups
And add keywords manually
Amazon provide lot of keywords suggestions which we can add-in our campaign
Also, we will add keywords by typing by own after type keywords match type option is there we can choose which match type is useful for  my keywords
After this, we just click on save and finish button away to live our ads

After press save and finish button you will land on next page which our ads campaign appears

If my someone clicks on my ads again and again then my budget exhaust or my money deduct for every click?

No, Amazon System is very fast if someone clicks on my ads frequently for  spending my budget purpose then Amazon did not deduct any charges again from that particular account holder or particular IP address also so, there is no need to worry , Amazon deduct charges only once or twice for the same customer who clicks  on my ads if Amazon by mistake deducts charges then it will return my ads money back in my account within next 24 to 48 hours time period

How can i manage searches on my products and services and  How can i come to know all search relevant to me ?

After request a report you can see in progress status after 2 to 6 min you can see download option in place of your report you will easily find search term report then analysis this  report specially customer search term then find search according to your product some are useful (relevant)  add those as keywords also some irrelevant  search are there use this as negative keywords so you  can freeze unwanted searches by this method and optimize your ads . By doing this you can reach your more potential customer and Boost your sale and decrease Advertising Cost

 So simple just go to reports tab there is option of advertising please open this after this you can see search term report option is there please request a report you can also scheldule your reports automatically by weekly or monthly 



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Pardeep Garg Hi There , This is Pardeep Garg from Delhi India . I am a professional SEO and PPC Expert. I love to discover the new ideas and seo tips and tricks to optimize Website and blogs.
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